Glossary: here the words are collected that in the Vahinis at this site are explained by Sai Baba, complemented with glossaries from Bhagavad Gîtâ and S'rîmad Bhâgavatam



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  • Lakh: Hindi: lâkh: one hundred thousand. Forty lakhs of warriors. (BV-10)
  • Lakshana: Aspect dealing with Nirodha, or, Absorption; one of the ten characteristics of the Purana's. (BV-34)
  • Lakshmana: He who takes delight in the service of God and His Consort. Lakshmana, half-brother of Rama, together with Satrughna born from Sumitra. (RRV-4) (see also: SB: Canto 6, 8:15)
  • Lakshmî: Goddess of happiness; the eternal companion of the Lord in His Nârâyana-appearance, remaining in the  Vaikuntha-worlds.
  • Lanka: Island kingdom ruled by Ravana.
  • Lavana: Terrible demon child of Kumbhinasa and Madhu; he was given a trident by Shiva for penance; killed by Satrughna with help of Rama (RRV2-13b)
  • Lavapura (modern Lahore): The capital city of Lava (RRV2-14)
  • Laya: the power to destroy (SSS-III)
  • Leela: (Lila): He plays on the stage that has no boundaries, His movements and activities. (BV-1), (RRV-1),  Divine activities; so shaped that they suit the time, the person, the aspiration and the compassion which cause each shower of Grace (BV-35), (BV-40). The sport and pastimes, the adventures of the Lord.
  • (Lina) - lIna: mfn. clung or pressed closely together, attached or devoted to, merged in (loc. or comp.) R. Sarvad. ; sticking Mahi1dh. ; lying or resting on , staying in, lurking, hiding MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; dissolved, absorbed in (loc. or comp.), disappeared , vanished S3vetUp. MBh. &c. ; n. the clinging to, being dissolved or absorbed in, disappearance Pan5car.
  • Linga: 'One is as long covered by the subtle body [the 'linga' of mind, intelligence and false ego in one] indeed as one is of fruitive activity; from that bondage is there the reversal [of control from soul to body] and the misery following the being identified with the illusory of matter' (SB 7:2-47 and B.G. 8.6.)
    - Linga(m): Oval form, mostly made from stone, metal or gold. It is a symbol of creation and of God, who is without beginning or end. Baba creates lingams inside his body, coming out of His mouth, mostly at
    Mahasivarathri, a holy day dedicated to the worship of S'iva. (SSS-II) The linga is a 'mark' or 'symbol' representing the merging of the particular in the universal, the dissolution of the mind (with its agitations, aspirations and accomplishments that attach and adhere) in the atma-awareness. The wise realize that the mind and the vast phantasmagoria that it weaves are all subsumed in the linga, in the beginningless endless ocean of existence-knowledge-bliss. 
    - Linga(m) means that in which all things merge and out of which all things emerge. (
    SSS-III) In the Uttara Gita Krishna says, that lingam comes from the word lina, which means 'unite'. The lingam makes it possible to unite the lower self with the higher self and with God - with Jivatma and Paramatma. (source: 'Sai Baba, the Man of Miracles' by Howard Murphet) 
    - Linga(m): 'The Linga is an illustration of the limitless, formless, beginningless, divine principle' (
    SSS-III) "The Lingam is that which has neither beginning nor end, that towards which all beings move, and that in which all beings merge." (SSS-IV
    - Linga(m): It is the symbol of emergence of the five primordial elements," He clarified. "The Lingam is the essence of all attributes and names. It is the formless with form, the nameless with name, the primal emergent from the Divine (
  • Lingodbhava muhurtha: The auspicious moment for the exterior manifestation of the symbol of the all-pervasive Divine Principle (SSS-II)
  • Loka: Planet, star, place of residence, living environment 
  • Lokamatha: The Mother of all beings (RRV-13a)
  • Lokapala: Loka means the World, Pala means he who fosters and protects (BV-39)
  • Loka Samasthah Sukhino Bhavanthu: May all the Worlds be happy. (RRV-1)
  • Lokasangraha: promotion of the welfare and happiness of the entire world (SSS-III) the welfare of mankind (SSS-IV)
  • Lotus: Flower; Hindu symbol of beauty, purity and good fortune.